Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Top 25 SAT Vocabulary words

SAT test takers are typically unsure about the vocabulary section of the exam. Despite memorizing many words and their meanings, they are generally not in a position to gauge their preparation levels. We give you a list of repeat offenders in the SAT. While this is not an exhaustive list, go through these words to understand your own preparation level. If you are unfamiliar with these words, master them and then go learn some more. Here are the top 25 SAT vocabulary words along with their meanings that you should master: Abstract – Notional, non-realistic Adversary – Enemy Apathetic – Uninterested, indifferent Cogent – Clear, logical, convincing Convoluted – Complicated, complex Deferential – Respectful Didactic – Educational, informative Dubious – Doubtful, unsure Related articles # Inequalities 0 660 # Coordinate Geometry 0 1068 #SAT Writing And Language Word- Usage Question Type 0 1162 #SAT Writing And Language Passage Structure Based Question Type 0 2847 #SAT Writing And Language Grammar Question Type 0 1791 Ebullient – Cheerful, full of energy Eclectic – Wide-ranging, comprehensive Esoteric – Obscure, abstract Fastidious – Meticulous Garrulous – Talkative, verbose --> Gregarious – Social Hackneyed – Overused Imperious – Authoritative, dictatorial Laudatory – Expressing praise Mollify – Appease, pacify Obdurate – Stubborn, inflexible Preclude – Prevent, prohibit Reticent – Reserved, withdrawn Spurious – Fake Tenacious – Tight, firm Verbose – Talkative Wistful   – Reflective These are just a few words which are a common sighting during the exam. You should learn more words to prepare thoroughly for the vocabulary section of SAT. When learning new words, throw the around in your conversations to make them second nature. Start Preparation.

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