Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about The Problems Brought by Overpopulation

Overpopulation refers to a condition where the number in a human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. Because overpopulation is the main cause of exhaustion of natural sources, degradation of environment, and increase in unemployment, it is considered as an undesirable situation. According to the U.S. census Bureau, there are 220,000 people added to the planet every day. As the population growth spurs food shortage, nations try to find different ways to prevent outstripping resources. Instead of embracing the reduced fertility option, several nations choose perilous geopolitics that is based on self-interest and creates a mayhem in developing countries. Author Lester Brown(2009) addresses and widely discusses the issue in†¦show more content†¦Land acquisitions also have a significant impact on employment .Most of the time, land-buyer countries bring their own workers to host countries where unemployment is already widespread. This leads to public hostility and strikes. I chose to discuss this issue, because it closely relates to me. I was born and raised in Country of Georgia, which is a small, developing country in Eastern Europe. Since 1991, Georgia has experience extensive immigration. While many Georgians chose to leave country, people from other countries moved to Georgia and started benefiting from irrationally tolerant immigration policy. The countries included China, India, Turkey and some African countries. Chinese businesses became well-assimilated in commercial life. The increasing number of Chinese immigrants spread the fear of Chinese expansion in Georgia. There was a lot of public outcry when it was obvious that Georgian government was selling a significant amount of land to Chinese businessmen. Lands that were the only source of income for thousands of Georgians. Few years ago, when I still lived in Georgia, I remember an incident that took place in the village where I used to spend my summers. 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